Who Has Meant a Big DEAL to You? Have You Told Them?

On Friday, I had the privilege to be the graduation speaker at a leadership program. While working with these leaders and their predecessors over the past years, I’m impressed with their willingness to learn and openness to try very different approaches to improve their communication, leadership, and influence. We discussed what they learned, how to negotiate their leadership to the next level, and their obligation to help others on their own journey. Leaders of the organization were there, families attended, and peers came to show support. The graduation was meaningful and a celebration.

However, the interaction I observed between two leaders surpassed the well-crafted speeches, the excellent video presentation, and the achievements of the graduates earned.

During the celebration that followed, I witnessed one of the most important conversations two people could have in their lifetimes.

One of the graduates was discussing the reasons he returned to his department after a brief departure. He explained that his return was based on the leader who served as his coach. The same leader attended his graduation program, served as his coach, and was standing a few feet away.

He admitted that he hadn’t shared his motivation with this leader. We watched as he turned around and told her how much she meant to him. She was surprised at his words and deeply grateful to hear about her influence.

❓Who has meant a great deal to you? How have you let them know?

❓How has someone’s belief or guidance played a significant impact on you and your leadership?

❓What is a way you could show someone what a big deal they have meant to you in your professional and personal life?

To participate in this leadership program you must be nominated, be within the top 25% of your department, continue to perform your job at the highest level and commit to a rigorous leadership schedule. In existence for nine years and the brainchild of @Jeannette E. Johnson, Tarrant County’s phenomenal curriculum includes an average of 98 training hours, multiple assessments, working with coaches, and participating in two 360’s measuring your pre- and post- job performance. There is also a service project.

You don’t need a formal program to stop and take a few minutes to recognize someone who has helped you deal with issues, encouraged you, or showed you how to negotiate your career. Whether you are leading a deal or dealing with leadership, please take the time to pause and share with the impact that person had on you. Please go thank them now while you have the chance.