❓ Did you notice that I’ve been offline for two weeks?❓
– Yes? Wow. Thanks for noticing.
– No? No problem. Maybe you were unplugging, too.
One of the challenges I faced when Gregg and I planned a last-minute cruise to Alaska was FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).
I feared I would miss or let others down. Here are a few matters:
✅ Our nephew’s high school graduation
✅ Leadership commitments to a nonprofit organization
✅ Speaking at the memorial service of a dear mentor
✅ An important business opportunity
✅ Responding to important posts or events
✅ Dealing with family matters
Guess what? We went anyway. Our phones and Internet barely worked. And when I kept staring at it instead of the views or him, my husband also asked me to take off my watch.
Here’s a few random thoughts that improved our trip.

✔️ Instead of rushing there, we scheduled to go in a day early. That allowed us to:
– Reconnect with our dear friends, Cindy McLane Hartner, CSEP and Robert Hartner.
– Have the added benefit of finding a new route when our when our original flight was cancelled.
✔️ On the return, we stayed an extra day and explored Seattle. We even saw a fun Mariners game.
✔️ We did research and asked our friends who had taken an Alaska cruise or knew of Alaska for hints and info they wish they knew.
– Our friends told us of the importance of freeing up storage on your phone/camera, binoculars, getting a massage, planning for water on excursions and consolidating to two carry-ons. These suggestions and others made our trip so much more enjoyable.
– Others told us to let our ship steward, Cathy, as well as waiters know about our anniversary. Them knowing allowed us to experience magic in the form of decorating our room and even a serenade.
Thanks to all those who gave us information and resources including Jim Pancero, Niki McCuistion, CSP, CPC, Jamie Windle Mark Hunter Jake Thompson, Stu Schlackman Cindy McLane Hartner, CSEP Debbie Guerra Alex B. Ramsey and Elizabeth McCormick, CSP®, CVP, CVH .
✔️ Turns out I’m surrounded by incredible people who can reply to emails, calls and posts. Thank you Jill Scott and TTPA’s directors Jennifer Freeman and @Traci Henderson.
???? Unplugging was a great adventure and was needed more than we expected.
Viewing nature from bald eagles, whales, porpoises, glaciers, mountains, ocean views, and forests was refreshing and awe inspiring.
❤️ Reconnecting with my husband and best friend Gregg Swindling, CFP® after some big stresses and successes this year was one of the best investments we’ve made.
Most of my worries weren’t Celebrating a milestone anniversary on this lifetime trip made it memorable and magical. ????????????