Positive Dealings Overcome Negative Situations and Stress

One of my most requested programs is How to Positively Negotiate Work Drama. People want to know how to stop complainers and energy drainers because they are exhausting and create unnecessary stress.

The best ways to deal with the stress caused by negative people and work drama is to follow the DEAL method-Decide-Engage-Accommodate-Leverage.

Decide to STOP spending all your time and energy trying to fix negative behavior and situations. Solve what you can but stop dwelling there.

Engage regularly with encouraging and supportive people who provide positive energy.

Accommodate-Practice radical self-care including getting enough sleep, exercising, eating well, and doing those activities that decrease stress for you.

Leverage-Ask for help from people who have experience in successfully dealing with stressful situations.

Sounds simple right? Then, why do we let those negative people consume our time and infect our lives? Often, stress seems to be our only focus.

❓Have you been dealing with family health issues, strained relationships, or financial concerns?

❓What professional stressors are you dealing with including work drama, job insecurity, or organizations that are disorganized?

❓When was the last time you scheduled time with positive people?

This week my itinerary included a healthy dose of JOY. My friends and I planned a Berkner High School reunion, celebrated Betty Garrett, CMP‘s birthday, and attended the NSA North Texas awards banquet with dancing.

Guess what? Those fun interactions lifted my energy and attitude. My negotiation results on two business matters improved. Also, I’m more pleasant and calm, despite the continued demands on my time and attention.

Surrounding yourself with positive experiences and people can have a profound effect on your spirit and all those situations you are negotiating.

Here’s the first step. Take a moment now to reach out to two people you adore but haven’t connected with in a while. Ask to schedule an in-person or even a virtual meeting to catch up.

Adding positive dealings with those who energize you will energize your business deals as well. I promise.


Thanks for the fun and joy this week Lorri Allen Wendel Withrow Shari Barth Betty Garrett, CMP Karen Cortell Reisman, Speak For Yourself® CEO Linda Neukirchner @Eylse Grant Padden @Kim Noble Peters Deann Badura Michelle Adams ★ Elizabeth McCormick, CSP®, CVP, CVH Chris Price Tim Marvel Stu Schlackman Rockie Marvel- Dallas TX REALTOR .Courtney Ramsey Kelli Vrla, CSP, CRMC @Karen Johnson Michael Foss Naomi Butler, CEM