Dealing with Your Success

Last week, I was inducted into the National Speakers Association’s Hall of Fame. This recognition means a big deal to me. I thought I had prepared for the award’s banquet. I watched videos of past recipients’ acceptance speeches and studied the outfits they wore. Jill Scott and I coordinated travel arrangements with family. My mentor and friend •Dianna Booher agreed to introduce me.

The CPAE chair and my friend Mary Kelly, Commander, USN, CSP, CPAE shared how the night would work and was genuinely excited for me.

Multiple phone calls, texts, and messages determined which of my family and friends could attend. We coordinated and reconfigured seats with the amazing NSA Staff. I practiced my talk. Then, there was a rehearsal to walk through what to expect.

Here is a link to Dianna’s introduction and my acceptance speech. (Note: My daughter recorded this video on her phone. There will be a higher quality “official” version later but it will lack her fun verbal reactions and my son cheering. Lol)

Know what I missed in my preparation?

The enormous outpouring of love and support AFTER the event. The hugs and words the night of the banquet. The posts, calls, texts, cards, cookies, and even flowers have been overwhelming. A letter came the day I arrived home from another mentor Nido R. Qubein, a card from NSA Chair Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP, CPAE, and one from Bill Cates, The Original Referral Coach.

The bouquet is from my dear friends Elizabeth Jeffries, CSP, CPAE and Stephen Tweed .

❓When have you been surprised by the support for you and your efforts?

My friend Jolene Brown CSP, CPAE told me I would be surprised by the outpouring of love. I am.

The best advice I received from one of the few CPAEs in on the secret came from my friend Bill Bachrach, CSP, CPAE. Bill told me to take a breath when I arrived on stage to soak in the love and support before I spoke.

We so often prepare to deal with the worst. You help others celebrate their successes, could you take a moment and celebrate yours?

Soak the good things in my friends!

Congrats to my friends and newly inducted CPAEs Jon Petz, CSP, CPAE • John Register, CSP™, CPAE, PLY Cy Wakeman Don Yaeger and to • Scott McKain on receiving the Cavett.