Dealing with Life’s Roller Coaster of Events

Remember the opening lines to A Tale of Two Cities? “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” Dickens knew that life can be a series of highs and lows.

In the fantastic news, my daughter got engaged this weekend to a wonderful guy. Also, you may have seen the posts of my National Speakers Association induction into the Speaker Hall of Fame.

What wasn’t posted was the serious health challenges experienced by two of our family members and a doctor diagnosis of another. Most of my friends have parents or family members with healthcare needs, as well as their own health and business challenges.

Most people are negotiating with life challenges.

Knowing all that my friends have on their plates, I explained that we didn’t need a local celebration of my Speaker Hall of Fame induction. However, my friends had responses that changed my perspective. Michelle Adams stated

“We have had plenty of bad news recently. We are going to take the time to celebrate the good.”

★ Elizabeth McCormick, CSP®, CVP, CVH added,

“Our NSA North Texas chapter has terrific speakers. However, we haven’t had a new CPAE recognized in 10 years. This national NSA Hall of Fame is a big deal for our chapter.”

Another dear friend, Ginger Shelhimer sealed the deal and my participation with,

“This reception is going to happen. Just show up and be happy.”

❓When have you simultaneously dealt with great events and very heavy experiences?

❓How do you negotiate with the tough stuff while ensuring you recognize the good?

❓Who helps you stay grounded and/or positive while dealing with challenges?

As you deal with your own tough stuff, pause to recognize the good that happens. As my friends reminded me, the challenges will be there. We need to celebrate the good with each other.