My daughter just completed cheer camp and arrived home exhausted. However, she and her friends also had a renewed excitement about cheering, gymnastics and even going back to school in the fall.
Tough situations can be the best learning experiences (some call it getting wiser). It’s also important to be intentional about participating in activities that help you grow personally and professionally.
Every summer I attend the National Speakers Association Convention where I participate in (and sometimes lead) four days of intense developmental workshops with over 1,500 professional speakers.
Choosing to work on yourself isn’t being selfish. Instead, developing your talents can help you understand your value, contribute more and improve your relationships on and off the job.
In my Passport to Success called “Meet the Challenge: Rise to Significance with Confidence, Decision and Purpose” I discuss how to be your own coach and cheerleader:
Surround yourself. Successful people surround themselves with strong friendships and networks. Lose the losers and pick the enhancers. Have reliable critics for honest feedback.
Choose to be positive. Even though it annoys some people (like Complainers, for example), a positive attitude and presence draws encouraging people to you. Show interest in others and act instead of react.
Release what doesn’t work. Guilt and excess worry are unhealthy. Remedy what you can and then move on. There are times I’ve continued to work with clients who didn’t fit my business model. Setting healthy boundaries helps you overcome the “disease to please” so you can focus on your strengths and contribute your best where you should.
Learn to cope with, not reform toxic people. Some people are just difficult – about 4% of the population have toxic personality types and have no conscience. Don’t subject yourself to their madness. Instead, accept that they won’t change and quit relying on or trusting them.
Actions are louder than words. Successful people act as if their decisions will appear on the news. Tame your ego, honor confidences and help other people avoid embarrassment. The result is others sing your praises and cheer for you!

By the way, I didn’t go to Cheer Camp in high school – but I did attend Drill Team Camp. Not too long ago I caught up with several classmates at my high school reunion! Many of these women still cheer for each other’s personal and professional victories. Groups like this and so many others helped me become my own cheerleader.
Remember, no matter what challenge or breakthrough you’re facing, I’m cheering for you and your success!
Journey On!